Home Virtualization VMware community unites to raise money for cancer research

VMware community unites to raise money for cancer research

by Philip Sellers

20130913150122-1600-Podcaster_mountedOne tweet has the power to really ignite something, as Gabriel Chapman (@Bacon_is_king) saw last week.  A quick, but personal post, about his mom’s cancer diagnosis a year after losing his father to the disease has quickly turned into a grassroots effort to raise money for cancer research in the family’s name.

The VMware community is very tight.  And it doesn’t surprise me to see such a warm response and so much support from the community for one of its members.  Within minutes a proposal was thrown out on Twitter and the Podcasting for Cancer movement began.  So, here’s your chance to support someone in the industry and to help an amazing cause at the same time.  Proceeds are going to the American Cancer Society.   The initial goal is $5000 donation and the organizers have just broken that amount – but how much further can this go?

Most everyone has been touched by cancer in some way – whether it was an uncle lost to the disease 3 years ago, like me, or whether its your dad and now mom like Gabriel.  And you can do something to help…  I wouldn’t ask you to donate if I hadn’t already done so myself.  Read all about it and get involved here – http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/podcasting-for-cancer.

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