For the first time, I’ll be attending the HP Discover conference in Las Vegas on June 6th through 10th.. This is HP’s largest event of the year and focuses squarely enterprise technology. I’ll be live blogging keynotes and posting about some of the sessions that I attend. I’ll also have the opportunity to speak with product team members during the conference. I’ll be attending the conference as a blogger, which will provide me with some special opportunities, and I’ll be getting information for my day job.
All of my arrangements have come through in the past week, but what I realize today is that there is a lot of information, sessions and opportunity at this conference. There are 880 session to be presented, 3 days worth of tag-team keynotes and a large number of exhibitors. Now comes the task of planning out my event and what I will be doing. Having attending VMworld in the past at the same venue, I have some idea of the scale of a tech conference like HP Discover. These events are massive with tens of thousands of attendees.
I hope to have additional information and my general idea of a schedule together in the next few days. If you are interested in my coverage of the conference, all of my content will be linked under this tag – HPDiscover – and this special RSS feed. Also, check out quick updates on Twitter using the #HPDiscover hashtag.