Home News VMware ESX Deployed or cloned VM base disk will point to template’s or original VM’s vmdk if “Edit Virtual Hardware” is used to modify it

VMware ESX Deployed or cloned VM base disk will point to template’s or original VM’s vmdk if “Edit Virtual Hardware” is used to modify it

by Roger Lund

http://www.vmwarewolf.com has a post titled : Deployed or cloned VM base disk will point to template’s or original VM’s vmdk if “Edit Virtual Hardware” is used to modify it

I like to link any blog posts that I think are important to business to me or others, and here is one.

I have heard that we are getting a few calls into support on this one, so I am rushing this new Knowledgebase article ( http://kb.vmware.com/kb/1007755 to be publicly available. It’s not quite out yet, so here’s the scoop.

  • Deployed VM’s base disk will point to the original template’s vmdk if Edit Virtual Hardware is used to modify it.

  • A cloned VM’s base disk will point to the original VM’s vmdk if Edit Virtual Hardware is used to modify it.

The problem is caused by a bug in hostd. When reconfiguring of the vmdk happens, hostd sets the vmdk path in the vmx to the backing disk in the config specification.

VMware is aware of the problem and expects a future release to address it. The current recommendation is to not use this (currently experimental) feature.

In the case that you already used the feature:

  1. After deploying the VM, review the VM properties, specifically the virtual disk location.

  2. Change the virtual disk settings manually to point to the correct file by right-clicking the VM and selecting Edit Settings…

  3. In the Hardware tab, select Hard Disk 1

  4. Verify the Disk File box points to the intended vmdk file. If it does not remove the Hard Disk.

  5. Click Add… and use the Hardware Wizard to select the correct vmdk file.

“Thanks to http://www.vmwarewolf.com

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