Home Virtualization VMworld 2009 coverage notes

VMworld 2009 coverage notes

by Philip Sellers

I decided not to try and join the legions of bloggers who were attempting to cover the conference in real-time.  This year, my family made the trip out with me and so my evenings are filled with family activities as we try to see and as much as possible while we are in San Francisco.  So instead of live updates, I’m trying to digest and then make a few notes of the things that stuck out most form the sessions that I’m attending and the announcements that are made.  The posts over the upcoming days will be what I’d consider the best of the best after the dust settles from the things I’ve participated in.   For many who know me, you know how I loathe 24×7 CNN and MSNBC coverage of stuff, so I’m taking an old-school approach to VMworld 2009…

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