I am proud to announce on vBrainstorm.com and vTech411.com that I was selected to be one of the judges that will choose the 2014 EMC Elect! I was selected as EMC Elect 2013 which was the inaugural year of the program. Some of you may be asking what the EMC Elect is. Head on over to this site to answer that question: https://community.emc.com/community/connect/emc_elect
EMC Elect 2014 Judge
I was chosen as an EMC Elect due to my community contributions to Twitter, blogs and EMC Community Network (ECN) participation. We will be contacting all of those nominated soon and start the judging process thereafter. Those selected as 2014 EMC Elect will be notified in January.
I am excited for this opportunity to give back to the EMC community. I have never been a judge for anything so it will be a learning process. It will be tough narrowing the nominations down but anything challenging is always rewarding. If you have been nominated, I wish you good luck! I cannot wait to help pick the next round of EMC Elect champions!
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