I came across something interesting today. The 160 GB C: drive on my vCenter Server ran out of space today…rather embarrassing. The first thing I checked is why in the heck my alerts didn’t go off…ok..problem fixed. After a couple of Google searches I came across and interesting VMware KB. Apparently there is a bug in the vCenter 5.5 upgrade that enables debug logging on the VMware Syslog Collector service and logs to C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Syslog Collector\logs\debug.log. In this case, my debug log was 62GB. The fix is rather simple. Stop the ‘VMware Syslog Collector’ service and edit the C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Syslog Collector\vmconfig-syslog.xml file (make a copy of it first) and change the following:
<debug> <level>1</level> </debug>
<debug> <level>0</level> </debug>
Remove the debug.log file and start the service again.
After upgrading to vCenter Server 5.5, the debug.log file of syslog collector is growing without limit (2094175)
- Updated: Mar 3, 2015
- Categories:
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- Product(s):
VMware vCenter Server
- Product Version(s):
VMware vCenter Server 5.5.x
- After upgrading to vCenter Server 5.5, the debug.log file of syslog collector is growing without limit
- C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Syslog Collector\logs\debug.log continues to grow without being rotated
This is a known issue affecting VMware Syslog Collector 5.5.
Currently, there is no resolution.
To work around this issue:
- Stop the VMware Syslog Collector service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting VMware vCenter Server services (1003895).
- On the server running the VMware Syslog Collector service, navigate to C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware Syslog Collector and save a copy of vmconfig-syslog.xml.
- In a text editor, open vmconfig-syslog.xml and modify from:
<debug> <level>1</level> </debug> to<debug> <level>0</level> </debug>
- Start the VMware Syslog Collector service. For more information, see Stopping, starting, or restarting VMware vCenter Server services (1003895).