This is my first post on a series of posts about opvizor. Opvizor is a predictive analysis and issue prevention tool.
In my previous post, Getting Opvizor Working by Michael White worth a read. Michael outlines the install process. I will continue , assuming you have setup the product.
Once we login to the webpage at we see a dashboard. Where to start?  That is a lot of information.
In the top left you have the environmental overview. This includes your issues per cluster, host, VM, datastore, and network. As you can see I have induced lots of issues into my lab.
Let’s dig into each.
Overall Status
Overall Statistics
Statistics by Upload
Issues by  by Upload
Top 5 Largest Datastores
Top 5 Entities by Issue Rate
Top 5 VMs by Snapshot Usage
Yikes, that seems a little large doesn’t it?
Top 5 BMs by Memory Usage
These are fairly self explanatory. But we can dig into each to get more information from this screen.
If we click the small table icon   next to Top 5 Larges Datastores
Here we can see more information on the Datastores in my lab.
This is our first look into Opvizor, of the series.
Roger Lund