Home News UPDATE: VMware RCLI now writes to ESXi Free Hosts

UPDATE: VMware RCLI now writes to ESXi Free Hosts

by Roger Lund

http://www.mikedipetrillo.com has a update on the ESXi writing via the RCLI. Titled : UPDATE: VMware RCLI now writes to ESXi Free Hosts


I wrote a few days ago that the ESXi 3.5 U3 update unlocked the API set. Well, this was only partially true. I was just trying out some power operations and the command line kept staring back at me blank. I went back and pinged some of the folks in engineering and low and behold I ran into bigger issues. Turns out that while fixing an API bug the API set got partially unlocked. Yes, you read that right, VMware didn’t mean to unlock the API set – at least not wholly and not yet.

So, if you went out and started madly coding some killer VirtualCenter Client replacement then hold off because I’m told the U4 update will lock things back down again. Good news is that only customers who are using the free version of ESXi have been affected. VirtualCenter and VI (Foundation, Standard, Enterprise) customers are not affected since they had rights to the API set all along.

That’s what I get for running off and blogging about new finds too quick.


Thanks for the update Mike. I guess that it’s back to the drawing board for those of us trying to do more with less.

Full Post http://www.mikedipetrillo.com/mikedvirtualization/2008/12/update-vmware-rcli-now-writes-to-esxi-free-hosts.html

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