I see that VMware has handed out some vExpert awards in the last 24 hours. Here are a few people I see have announced they have received them. ( unofficial ) Some I am unaware of their full name, so I posted twitter names.
Gerben has a post on this as well, with some more names
I am sure I missed some, and if I have anyone on the list that should not be, I am sorry, let me know and I will take you off.
For the record, I did not get a award, and I did not expect to get one. I was a great year, but I did not start the blog until Nov, and since VMware is just one job I do here out of many, I do not have the time to dedicate each and every day to it and blogging on it. It is one of the reasons my blog is for more than just VMware and or Virtualization.
EDIT: I wanted to make it clear that I still play on Supporting VMware and like platform’s in Virtualization, I still plan on starting a Virtualization video / audio podcast, and a local user group. Please contact me lundrog@gmail if you are interested in either.
Additionally, I did notice that my blog is no longer on VMware’s Planet V 12. I did not orginally request to be added to this, but I never complained either. I believe I could have been put on after attending the Minneapolis VMUG, and announcing the vSphere previously codenamed VI4. I have yet to hear from John on this, it could be a seperate issiue.