Home News Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

by Roger Lund


Texiwill will be hosting a Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

This will be a Talkshoe Discussion, every other week on Thursday at 2:30 PM EST.




This podcast will address the following virtualization security issues over the weeks it runs. Send a Tweet to Texiwill or VMware Communities Private Message to add your own discussion ideas to this list.

  • Use of Virtualization in a DMZ.
  • Review of security lockdown standards/benchmarks and tools
  • Virtualization Security in shared and dedicated hosting environments
  • Providing VaaS (VMware as a Service) securely to SMBs for DR.
  • How virtualization security relates to cloud computing security
  • Top 3 security issues
  • Optimal Network configuration and design for security
  • How to accommodate small / medium and home businesses
  • Disaster recovery options – small, medium, large businesses
  • VLANs as a Security measure with vSwitch Security
  • many others…


  • Episode 1: First Panel Talkshoe on Thursday 15 January 2009 at 2:30 PM EST.



Full Post http://www.astroarch.com/wiki/index.php/Virtualization_Security_Round_Table_Podcast


I encourage people to attended, as I feel that security is often ignored in IT.

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