Home News Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring book review.

Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring book review.

by Roger Lund

In September I reviewed, Zenoss Core Network and System Monitoring

I have not had a chance to post it on my blog, as I have been busy.

But here is my review, which I have also posted on amazon.com, Here.


Zenoss Core: Network and System Monitoring is a complete step by step guide to getting the most out of Zenoss Core 2.1

The book starts with a detailed Preface of what Zenoss Core is, and what it can do for a System Admin. Then after lesson on the design of Zenoss Core, the book starts to walk you through a installation. This book covers even covers a VMware player install. It also shows you how to install under your favorite flavor of Linux, included are directions for Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora Core, Free BSD, MAC, and Debian/Ubuntu.

They even show the proper method to get Zenoss Core to automatically start up under Red HAT and Debian/Ubuntu.

Furthermore, the author shows you how do the configuration under Linux for both Firewall and SNMP with Zenoss Core, and how to do WMI and SNMP configurations under windows.

I really think the book does a nice job of guiding a user through the Web Interface of Zenoss core, where detailed steps are taken for you to understand how to add devices and configure Zenoss Core to monitor them correctly.

Detail by the author has been made to walk you through the Device ZProperties, and Status / Performance Monitors of the system.

Now the real power of Zenoss Core is Event / device alerting, and this is a fantastic deliberation of how to set up device event alerting.

Finally the book provides you with a how to for device and system reporting and even gives you a chance to extend Zenoss Core to meet your needs.


For those of you that want a good guide to Zenoss, it’s a great place to start.


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