Home News Are you a VMware vExpert? Announcing a new community award.

Are you a VMware vExpert? Announcing a new community award.

by Roger Lund

John Troyer at the http://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn announced a new vExpert Award.



VMware is very proud to introduce the VMware vExpert Awards. The VMware vExpert Awards will be given to individuals who have significantly contributed to the overall community of VMware users over the past year, either online or offline. You might be contributing online to blogs, forums, wikis, or other online sites. You might be organizing VMUG meetings or otherwise getting the word out to local IT professionals. You’re helping spread the word about virtualization and making people successful in deploying this game-changing technology. We want to thank you.

Here is the nomination form. You can nominate yourself or someone else. We’re also taking nominations from people and programs within VMware, so you actually don’t even have to nominate yourself and you still could wake up one day with an award. You might want to fill out the form anyway, because we may not be aware of everything you’re doing.


I think this is very interesting, as it shows a company,  ( VMware ) and major one at that, reaching out to the communities. Not only that, but rewarding those that take the time and choose to share the knowledge they have shared.

Admittedly, I do not have the time needed to do a Virutalization blog full justice, with a son under two, but I started blogging about the technology blogs I was reading, to musty pin all the information in one place. In doing so, I have gotten into a fantastic group of technology fanatics, and have learned more in the last few months than I thought possible. I want to congratulate the VMware vExperts that qualify and receive the award, now before the results. Why? Because anyone who puts in the time, and cares enough to share his or her knowledge on the subject, is more than qualified to win the nomination.


Lastly, I wanted to thank John and the VMware team for taking the time and resources they do to work with the communities, and end users.

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