As a followup to my previous posts about thin clients and our research, we made a first step into the virtual desktop arena. We purchased 55 Pano Logic units just before end of last year. They arrived and have been safely stored away while we work out the rest of our implementation plans. This is just our first step at HTC and we see the potential of choosing one or maybe two more solutions which meet our needs in other areas.  We are unsure how the Pano units will work in our business offices. Our initial roll out will be in our central offices and we may expand upon that.
We still need to complete the backend infrastructure to handle our roll out. We are making decisions now whether to locate our initial virtual desktop pools with our other virtual servers in the same cluster, or whether to deploy a new cluster. We also have to look at DHCP for our entire network, as our current solution does not appear to be able to hand out the additional directives to the Pano devices. I hope to be able to do a more detailed entry about the whole process once we get further down the road.