I had a ESX host that would give me the following error when I ran my config mpath.
#config_mpath –primary –loadbalance –policy fixed
Your DNS is improperly configured.
The following storage system hostname(s) could not be resolved:
After the DNS issues are resolved, you must properly
configure the preferred paths for NetApp storage systems
by running the following command:
/opt/netapp/santools/config_mpath –primary –loadbalance –persistent
I checked my dns, and my FQDN given was in uppercase , therefore, I changed it and tried again.
Your DNS is improperly configured.
The following storage system hostname(s) could not be resolved:
After the DNS issues are resolved, you must properly
configure the preferred paths for NetApp storage systems
by running the following command:
/opt/netapp/santools/config_mpath –primary –loadbalance –persistent
Now what?
The next step was to manually check my configuration files.
#nano /etc/resolv.conf
Showed: ( note, I changed my below info)
nameserver 1x.220.0.x
nameserver 1x.220.0.x
search domain.com
Which is correct.
So then I did.
#nano /etc/hosts
# Do not remove the following line, or various programs
# that require network functionality will fail. localhost.localdomain localhost
1x.220.0.x SCOA-VIRTUAL2.domain.com
1x.220.0.x scoa-netac1.domain.com scoa-netac1
1x.220.0.x scoa-netac2.domain.com scoa-netac2
::1 localhost.localdomain localhost
Ah, Ha! We changed netac1 and netac2’s IP!
I commented out those lines, and yahoooo, it worked!
Roger L.