I had to use this today after forgetting a little used VMware Workstation Lab’s vSphere 6 sso domain.
I ended up finding this blog post, and i’m going to refer to it in my blog post as well.
vCenter Server 6.0 Tidbits Part 2: What is my SSO Domain Name & Site Name?
You will find it in the following two configuration files:
You have to enable shell via ssh to vcenter first.
login to vcenter via ssh. I enabled this by default.
If not do the below steps or skip this section if ssh is enabled.
How to enable ssh on the vcenter appliance
by esx-guy
1. Open the console of the appliance using in this case the vsphere client.
2. Press F2 and log in as root.
3. Notice the choices and select Troubleshooting Mode Options.
4. Notice the two options. Select Enable SSH.
5. Â Press Enter to enable it.
Command> shell.set –enabled True
Command> shell
localhost:~ # vi /etc/vmware/install-defaults/vmdir.domain-name
This returned
Thus I knew I had to login to [email protected] to vcenter.
P.S. Document your lab login and sso information… :0)
Roger L